Interested in Becoming Catholic?
For those whose hearts are stirring, those desiring to deepen their relationship with God, those wishing for full communion within the Catholic Church – we welcome you! We are praying for you, and we desire to walk with you along your journey.
If you are:
OCIA may be the path for you.
(New group begins September 7, 2025)
What is O.C.I.A.?
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, or OCIA, is a process of bringing individuals into the fullness of the Catholic faith is intimately linked to the Church’s mission of evangelization, given to her by Jesus Christ in the gospel of Matthew 28: 19-20 –
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the close of the age.”
OCIA is more than a program or set of classes. The journey to initiation with the Body of Christ, the Church, is deeply personal. It is a journey of prayer, discernment, self-discovery, and learning that is shared within a larger community. It equips the catechumen or candidate to know themselves as a beloved son or daughter of God and to develop a personal relationship with Him.
What Happens?
The process of OCIA is a journey which feeds the heart and mind. Prayer, study of Scripture, and participation in the liturgies of the Church are key components to growing in one’s relationship with God. This nourishment of the heart is supplemented by learning about the rich faith of the Catholic Church – what she believes. Regular gatherings for both study and prayer are important components of RCIA as you discern God’s will for your journey of faith.
You are not Alone
The OCIA process is not one you navigate by yourself. Along with an individual sponsor, the catechumen or candidate is supported by the OCIA team and the other individuals journeying with them through this process, and our ultimate help and companion comes in the person of Jesus Christ!
O.C.I.A. at St. Helen
A new group of OCIA inquirers forms each fall. OCIA sessions typically begin in September of each year, and run on a weekly basis throughout the fall and spring. In addition to weekly sessions, there are other important rites, retreats, and liturgies.
What’s the Next Step?
We would love to know you more! Please use the link below or in the sidebar to complete the short inquiry form. Once received, a member from the OCIA team will reach out to you with more information on the formal registration process.
registration is closed for 2024-2025
Contact Deacon John Evanoff in the Faith Formation Office at 512-863-3041, ext. 104 for more information or help with any questions you may have.
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”
St. Augustine