User will occupy facility only as requested on the Facility Reservation Request Form and will vacate at or before the end of the requested period. Meetings that take place in the evenings must end and the room must be vacated no later than 9:30 pm. All individuals attending meetings/events are to confine their activities to the scheduled rooms only. Children are to be with an adult at all times.
Furniture may be rearranged, but must be returned to its original state. Please see photo of room set up that is posted in each room.
Only designated staff can move the partition in the gym and rooms 103/104.
Instructions on how to operate TV/DVD/PROJECTOR are posted in the room.
Instructions on how to operate the air conditioner are posted in the room.
Decorations of any kind may be attached with blue painters tape to avoid damage. Please do not glue, pin, nail or staple to anything to the wall, paneling, molding, light fixture, door or doorframe of any of the facilities.
If the facilities have been defaced in any way, the user will be charged the cost of repairs.
User must remove all decorations, equipment, rentals, catered items, food, etc. before leaving the premises. Helium balloons must be removed. No balloons are allowed to be prepared inside the facility where a loose balloon would be unrecoverable without the aid of a ladder (the foyer/lobby or the multi-purpose room/gym).
Candle use must be in containers or globes.
It is the responsibility of the USER to inform the caterers and/or decorators of all restrictions. Caterers/decorators must leave the facility as found.
No alcohol is allowed inside or outside of the building before, during or after meetings.
St. Helen Catholic Church is a non-smoking facility. Smoking is prohibited in any and all buildings.
User will not bring or permit others to bring any knives, clubs, firearms or other weapons onto the premises or any parish property.
At the end of the meeting complete the Meeting Room & Kitchenette Check List Form.
St. Helen reserves the right to change, reschedule or cancel any reservation